More Ideas
The wide range of options in Widgetsmith affords you the flexibility to make home screens as you see fit. Below are some ideas for widget combinations for different themes in Widgetsmith, but the choice is yours.
- Sports: Activity Bar, Step Count, and Precipitation %.
- Productivity: Upcoming Calendar Events, Calendar Month, Outlook, and Reminders.
- Photography: Weather Conditions, Sunrise and Sunset, and Photos in Album.
- Sailing: Tide Graph, Tide Clock, and Sunrise and Sunset.
- Astronomy: Moon Phase, Starfield, Sunrise and Sunset, and Wealther Conditions.
The app comes with three calendar widgets pre-set, and you should add one of the three sizes to your home screen. It does not matter whether you do this before or after customizing your widgets in the app. To learn how you can add a widget to your home screen, see our in-depth guide.